Excellence in Investigations
Pax Law PLLC is a solo law practice devoted exclusively to fact-based workplace investigations. Our investigations expertise is exceptional and we are adept at navigating internal and external complexities. Whether the issues are relatively simple or highly complex, Pax Law provides top-notch investigations that are prompt, impartial, and thorough.
Our Services
Pax Law is a solo law practice committed to investigating
and resolving the most complex issues at work.
Workplace Investigations
C-Suite, Front Line, and Beyond
We conduct all kinds of investigations at every level, from relatively common matters involving colleagues at work to high-profile, high-exposure, complex investigations at the C-Suite level. This includes conducting investigations into company hotline complaints, both as-needed and as a standing resource.
Our investigations expertise is exceptional. We've handled virtually every type of workplace issue, from sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying, and wrongful termination cases, to workplace violence, unfair labor practices, fraud, and compliance matters.
We train companies, law firms, and HR professionals on conducting effective and compliant workplace investigations, as well as related legal and ethical issues.
Ready to connect?
Reach out for a complementary consultation by clicking on the box below or emailing info@paxlaw.us.